杨延周等-Effects of dietary soybean isoflavones (SI) on reproduction in the 2018-01-23
党洁等-ORMDL3 Facilitates the Survival of Splenic B Cells via an ATF6a–Endoplasm... 2018-01-23
刘春莲等-Mitochondria- targeted antioxidant SkQ1 improves spermatogenesis in Immp... 2018-01-23
吴际等-MicroRNA‐10b regulates the renewal of spermatogonial stem cells through K... 2018-01-23
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王锐等-Calmodulin inhibitor ameliorates cognitive dysfunction via inhibiting nitr... 2018-01-23
吴际等-MicroRNA‐10b regulates the renewal of spermatogonial stem cells through K... 2018-01-22
马文智等-Optimal FSH usage in revascularization of allotransplanted ovarian tissu... 2018-01-22
陆宏等-Digit ratio (2D:4D) and handgrip strength are correlated in women (but not... 2018-01-22
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